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A nonprofit organization

Image by Carol Highsmith's America

Making the world a healthier place. 

Nutrition Education for Disease Prevention

Teaching at a Primary School.jpg

Nutrition Abroad students teaching grade school children  about good nutrition in Barbados.


We don't want to just save children from hunger, we want to save them from chronic diseases too.  While 9 million people die from hunger each year on our planet 18 million die of heart disease.  And heart disease is only one chronic disease among many. 


Our passion is to teach people how to live healthier lives by incorporating lifestyle changes that promote health, wellness and longevity. 


We invite volunteers and college students to join our mission by joining our programs geared to provide vital nutrition education to vulnerable communities in the US and abroad. 



College Friends

We host 2–3-week nutrition programs for any student in college interested in nutrition, an intellectually stimulating experience, gaining credit and/or experience in community education, and making a difference in our world. 

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